Winter Propane Safety Tips to Share with Customers

By Lauren Abbl on Nov 08 in Propane. 1 Comment

Winter Propane Safety Tips to Share with Customers - Pt Risk

Winter is quickly approaching, which means you’re probably busy ensuring that all of your customers have the propane they need to get through the coldest time of the year. While fulfilling propane orders may be your first priority right now, you should find some time to educate your customers on safety when it comes to handling and storing propane tanks in the winter. Make sure they know the basics of winter propane safety, starting with these tips.

 Keep Propane Tanks Full

This is one tip you can easily help your customers with, so consider sending out reminders to those who don’t have regular deliveries scheduled or might be running low after using more propane than usual. Advise customers to ensure their propane tanks never get below 25% full, especially in areas that experience extreme weather in the winter. You never know when a blizzard will make it difficult or impossible for trucks to come refill propane tanks, leaving residents without enough propane to heat their home. You can help with this by checking how much propane each customer used last winter, as this will let you make personalized recommendations to those who have not refilled their tanks in a while.

 Schedule Maintenance and Repairs for Heating Systems

You don’t want your customers to wait until it’s snowing to find out that their heater or propane tanks aren’t working properly. This is why you should remind them to hire professionals to examine all aspects of their heating system – from their furnace and heating ducts to the thermostat and propane tank – before winter arrives. It’s important to make sure their heating system is running efficiently so they can conserve propane as much as possible. Getting their appliances examined and repaired now can save money and time, since technicians are often busier in the winter and charge a premium to make fast repairs. As such, your customers will appreciate you reminding them to get maintenance and repairs done now.

 Mark the Location of the Propane Tank

In particularly cold areas, it’s common for propane tanks to end up covered in snow in the winter, making them hard to find when it’s time to refill them. This is why you should remind customers to mark the location of any propane tanks on their property, such as by using small flags or stakes. They should also keep the pathway to their tanks clear on the day of the scheduled refill. This means clearing the path of snow, bushes, tree branches, trash cans, bicycles, and anything else that could slow down the propane tank refill process.

 Keep the Propane Tank in a Safe Location

Some people worry about how extremely cold weather will affect their propane tank, which could lead them to make dangerous decisions about where they keep the tank and how they treat it. For this reason, it’s important to remind your customers that propane tanks will not freeze, even when it’s snowing. In fact, the freezing point of propane is far below temperatures that anyone could live in, so this isn’t a concern. Letting customers know this may keep them from making dangerous choices, such as trying to bring the tank inside the house or shed.

That being said, you should let your customers know that clearing the snow and ice from the tank can prolong the life of the metal, as it could become rusty when it’s in contact with moisture for too long. In addition, they should keep the tank in view of the sunlight so it gets some warmth during the winter. Finally, let your customers know the importance of keeping all heating vents and chimneys clear of snow and ice to increase both their safety and the efficiency of their heating system.

Letting your customers know these winter propane safety tips will help them stay safe and warm this winter, so it’s worth taking the time to spread this information. It can also reduce the risk of damage to the tanks you’ve supplied them with. If you have too many customers to talk to in person, you can save time by sending out this information via an email newsletter or blog post on your website. Either way, you should get these tips to them before winter officially begins. This way, you have a chance to protect your customers, just as our propane insurance coverage protects you and your business. Contact us today to find out what we can do for propane marketers like you.

Lauren Abbl

Producer, PT Risk Management

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Frank Thompson 2 years ago



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